Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Besut ASTRA's Local Repeater Maintenance

9W2RLL ( Besut's ASTRA Manager ) for a repeater maintenance trip to Bukit Bubus in Besut's district.
Here some photos taken.

Date: 29 Oct 2009
Time: From 1500H to 2300H
Repeater's Callsign: 9M4RAC
Frequency: 146.675Mhz - 0.600 rt tone 85.4
Location: Bukit Bubus, Besut, Terengganu, Malaysia.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The IARU Region 3 Newsletter Issue 15 - July to October 2009, Released November 2009

HEADLINES <<< > * A Word from the Chairman of IARU Region 3 - Michael Owen VK3KI

* 14th IARU Region 3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October 2009
Amongst the items discussed were:-

* Monitoring System (MS) * Amateur Radio Education * Emergency Communications * Emergency CoA for Region 3 * ARDF * Region 3 Directors for the next three years * Regional Coordinators
* IARU Region 3 Band revised * Region 3 Conference in 2012 * Bush fires, earthquakes and tropical storms * JOTA a success * Preparations underway for WRC-12 * WIA celebrates 100 years * Region III Award * Reminder- 2012 International YL Meet in Adelaide * The 2009 Seanet * Expansion of 40 Meter band

MS Word version of this newsletter is available at Acrobat PDF version is also available at

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